Mighty Plugs “World’s Finest” Earplugs


Product Description

Mighty Plugs earplugs are mouldable and reusable, waterproof and noise-reducing. For sleeping, swimming, factory workers – in fact, many applications.
Suitable for children and adults. But please note: these earplugs are not suitable for elderly people with fragile skin, or anyone with sensitive ears or a skin condition.
Note also that these earplugs contain beeswax, lanolin and cotton so do not use if you are allergic to any of these ingredients. Colour: blue.
The manufacturers claim that each earplug can be reused between 35 and 60 times and that their own tests suggest a superior noise reduction level is achievable with a good fit.
NB: the date stamp on Mighty Plugs boxes is the date they were manufactured. It is not an expiry date.

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