Contact Us

The easiest way to contact Snorestore is to email
Or, you can use our WhatsApp Business messaging facility during normal working hours. The number is also at the bottom of each web page.
If you read the sections under “Earplugs Information” you will find, pretty much, the answers to your questions. Everyone’s needs are different though so do get in touch.
Please note – our registered office is not a shop. Please place your order online and we’ll put it in the post quickly. We are strictly mail order/internet order only.

Missing Order Questionnaire

Please only fill in this questionnaire if you have been asked to via email. Thank you.

Legal Information

Legal Information
Registered office:
Snorestore Ltd
22 Romney Drive

VAT number: 898 6084 54
Company number: 04283828
Registered in England and Wales

Snorestore Ltd is a retailer of earplugs, eyeshades and associated goods and is bound by UK and transitional EU laws and regulations covering mail order goods and services. These include, but are not limited to, the Sale of Goods Act, the Consumer Contracts Regulations and the EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications. We will not sell or knowingly pass your details on to anyone else. We are registered with the Information Commissioner for Data Protection purposes.

One Last Thing
Someone asked us why our prices are higher than, say, tax-avoiding Amazon’s. Two reasons:
1) We are an accredited Living Wage employer. We value our staff.
2)Every year, Amazon manages to find new excuses for not paying its dues. “If they really wanted to help our public services they’d pay taxes properly and treat their workforce better,” said Neil Derrick, a GMB regional secretary.
Snorestore is a UK registered company through and through and we pay all our taxes. On time. In full. And we pay our staff above the London living wage because we value them. That’s why you get excellent service.

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